Natural Source of Energy
Maple: Energy to Go
Maple as a source of energy
Maple contains simple carbohydrates that convert into glucose and act as fuel during exercise. It’s why athletes and fitness enthusiasts use maple syrup before, during, and after training sessions.
Sports Nutrition
Before Training
Whatever you eat before a workout, it needs to be quickly and easily digested, providing an energy boost and satisfying your hunger. Your meal or snack should be influenced by the amount of time you have before you exercise. Proteins, fats and fibres are an essential part of your diet. However, they are slow to digest.
During training
If you’re going to be exerting yourself for more than 60 minutes, it’s important to feed your muscles with carbohydrates to maintain good energy levels and avoid dehydration. This is crucial if your last meal is more than two hours before physical activity, or if the session is going to be intense.
After Training
Workout over? It’s time to recover. The ideal way to do this is with food that provides at least 30-60g of carbohydrates and 10-20g of protein.
Hundreds of Delicious Recipes
Maple is a special addition to any recipe, from starters and snacks to sumptuous desserts. Find one that’s perfect for you, your family and friends.