A woman and the sugarbush: a love story

The women of Québec who love maple go into the forest to take sap from the maple trees and turn it into delicious maple syrup, maple spread, maple taffy and even cotton candy.

By doing so, they share with you the best that nature has to offer. This is the inspiring story of one of those women: Sylvie Favreau-Bisaillon, co-owner of Érablière du Cap in Acton Vale.

Érablière du Cap in Acton Vale

Did you know?

Québec exports its maple products to more than 50 countries

Everywhere it goes, consumers of all ages appreciate maple’s unique flavour.

Scientists are studying maple’s potential health benefits

Studies now underway include those on the antioxidant properties of the polyphenols naturally present in maple syrup, with a recent study indicating that maple syrup is better for cardiometabolic health than refined sugar.

Maple syrup can be used as a sugar substitute in most recipes

In cake and most dessert recipes, for each 250ml (1 cup) of syrup used, simply reduce the stipulated amount of liquid (water, milk, juice, etc.) by 60ml (1/4 cup).

A natural source of energy

Maple syrup is a natural source of energy. Check out our recipes for food and drinks before, during, and after exercise.